Enterprise Risk Management

Vichara leverages its expertise in risk management, financial modeling and big data management to provide highly transparent regulatory solutions.

Vichara, with its business domain and technology expertise, is uniquely placed to help financial firms comply with growing regulatory requirements. We assist our clients overcome quantitative and operational challenges to meet the demands of auditors and regulators for better transparency and increased due diligence

Vichara has special expertise in analyzing structured products such as RMBS, CMBS, CLOs, ABS CDOs, other consumer ABS as well as residential mortgages, commercial mortgages & corporate loan portfolios. Vichara utilizes its risk modeling framework powered by big data management & analysis platform to develop, validate and fine tune risk models using large scale historical data. The analytics framework integrates 3rd party & proprietary models and runs on a high performance distributed computing environment (grid/cloud) to analyze large portfolios in a short amount of time. Our solutions address requirements mandated by regulatory frameworks like Basel, Dodd-Frank and IFRS.